Sip is a serverless language learning platform that utilizes the concept of comprehensible input to aquire fluency by watching content that you love
Technologies: React, DynamoDB, AWS Amplify, & AWS Lambda
Login: | testuser123
A full stack social network powered by your GitHub to connect with fellow developers. It utilizes Redux for global state management and JWT for authentication and protected routes.
GithubTechnologies: React, Redux, Express, MongoDB, & JWT
Login: | user123
A simple React based todo list with a mighty NestJS/Express based backend deployed on AWS S3/Elastic Beanstalk. It's built with data validation, gaurded API endpoints, and security best practices including password salting/hashing. Using TypeScript, unit testing, and Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) allows the backend to be extremely reliable and refactorable.
GithubTechnologies: React, NestJS/Express, PostgreSQL,TypeScript, & JWT
Login: testuser | Testuser123!
BAE is a full stack webapp to designed to prevent meetings that should've been an email (BAE). Meeting participants vote to decide the importance of agenda items, letting the host know what is important to them.
GithubTechnologies: React, Node, Express, MongoDB, & Passport
Login: | user123
Complete with your friends with a chance to earn money while getting fit. Friends contribute to the money pot, FitBoard tracks how many times people go workout, and the most frequent gymgoer wins the pot.
GithubTechnologies: Express, Sequelize, MySQL, & JQuery
Login: | user123
Early remote engineer architecting the serverless webapp for a language learning startup
Responsible for key features including the vocabulary review system and weak word resurfacing functionality
Designed the database schema and API endpoints for scalable performance
Rewrote the frontend app to be fully responsive for all screen sizes
Practiced extensive unit testing ensuring every function works as intended
Stack: React, DynamoDB, AWS Amplify, Jest, Enzyme
June 2020 - Present
Employee at a $5 billion unicorn based in Chicago
Analyzed over 3000 clinical oncology cases, extracting key data points and trends
Insights derived contributed to winning $175 million in new contracts with major oncology pharmaceutical companies
Automated data ingest, reducing turn around time for customers by an average of 4 days
June 2019 - June 2020
Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Technologies: React, Node, Express, MySQL, MongoDB, Jest
Tools: Heroku, Git, Postman
September 2019 - March 2020
Developed three sandwich immunoassays for simultaneous screening and comparing of protein levels
Study director for the Simple Western service, increasing repeat customers by 30%
Launched new testing service for the efficacy of clinical drugs for major pharmaceutical companies
September 2017 - May 2019